When Is It Time to Replace the Ductwork in Your Home?

If you wonder about replacing the ductwork in your home, we have a few suggestions that may help you decide. If your ductwork is older but you have regular cleanings and maintenance, then you may not need to replace it for a few more years. You should have annual checks and cleanings for your home’s ductwork so you know if there are any issues.
Your Heating Bills Got Higher
If you notice that your heating bills keep getting higher instead of fluctuating, then you may have an issue with the ductwork in your house. There may be a hole or separation at the seams, making it harder to heat your whole home. This damaged ductwork will quickly make your heating bills rise.
Your Allergies Are Worse
When your allergies get worse as you enter your home, then it is likely due to poor indoor air quality. Allergies that worsen may be because the ductwork is dirty and not working correctly. This probably means that you need to replace it if you still have bad air quality after maintenance.
Noises Come From the Ductwork in Your House
Sometimes, noises come from older ductwork because it settled or it has debris in it. Typically, the ductwork in your home will not make any noticeable noises if it is clean and secure.
Uneven Temperatures Around Your Home
When you walk around the rooms in your house, you may notice that the temperatures are not even. These uneven temperatures could be due to blockages or holes in the ductwork running through your home. Consider having the ductwork inspected so you know if it needs replacing or just a good cleaning.
Contact the Heating and Air Professionals Today!
At Murphy Company Heating & Cooling in Louisville, KY, we provide ductwork, heating, and air conditioning services for homes in the community. Our team can also help with indoor air quality, commercial heating needs, and emergency services. Contact Murphy Company Heating & Cooling for more information today!